Part 1: Cross Media Marketing – The Digital Evolution

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Introduction Cross Media Marketing, often referred to as Cross Device Marketing, is a strategic approach that involves promoting a brand or product across multiple media platforms. In today’s digital age, consumers are no longer confined to a single device. With the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, desktops, and smart TVs, the average digital consumer now owns 3.64 digital devices. This multi-device …

Part 2: Transition to the Digital Era

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Analog vs. Digital The primary distinction between analog and digital media lies in their representation of data. Analog media, like vinyl records or VHS tapes, store information in a continuous form. In contrast, digital media, such as CDs or DVDs, represent information in discrete binary code. This shift from analog to digital brought about increased storage capacities, enhanced clarity, and …

Part 1: The Dawn of Digital Media

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Introduction to Digital Media Digital media, in its essence, encompasses any form of media that machines can read. This broad definition includes everything from text and images to audio and video content. Unlike traditional media, which relies on physical forms like paper and tape, digital media exists in electronic or digital form. This shift from tangible to intangible has revolutionized …

3 Local Small Business Grants Programs

Local small business grants programs

Credits: Libreshot Local small business grants programs and government grants are here for a reason. To help your company grow despite the financial hardships. Let’s look at a few ways to support your business. You can find them at the City of Toronto web site. Or at a website for the local region. Business incubation Toronto city can help not-for-profit …

Ways Of The Increasing Use of Technology

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Credits: Libreshot The increasing use of technology means using mobile devices more frequently. Mobile devices has led to a higher demand for Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi has become an essential service that people need in order to stay connected, whether it’s for work, entertainment, or communication with friends and family. As a result, companies are working to create more efficient, reliable, and …

Small business tech: what’s new in 2023

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Image credits: Libreshot Small business tech implementation must increase your bottom line. Some trends shape up in 2023 leading to higher profitability. Small businesses possess a tremendous advantage to adapt quickly. Let’s look at a few important trends to improve your business. Building and maintaining a community Your business needs customers permanently. As you already know, some customers come and …

3 Cyber Security New Technologies

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More companies become aware of defending information systems. Some critical cybersecurity new technologies detect unusual activity fast, and make it easier to comply with government regulations. 1. Extended Detection and Response (XDR) Incidents and cyber threats are detected by thos advanced cyber security technology. It also responds in due time across endpoints. Which are specified devices in various networks. XDR …

What Is AWS IoT?


Multitude of devices connect easily with each other in the managed cloud service. How does AWS IoT work? The devices interact with all other interconnected devices and with cloud applications. It has a application loaded core. It supports billions of devices with many more messages. They process and transport the AWS endpoints of communication to other devices. Through improved communication …

2 “Invisible” and Famous Conversational AI Bots

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Every day, companies encounter more difficulties as they attempt to grow their business. Costs go up for many items/ Moreover, small businesses struggle when they have to hire in almost any position. Acquiring conversational AI bots could be the solution for better customer experience. In fact, it’s a solution suitable for medium size, or big companies as well. Here are …

Non-Fungible Tokens: What is a NFT?

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Initially, technology has started using the non-fungible tokens (NFT) for security. Security you look for in a financial transaction to take place. What are non-fungible tokens? Are you shifting how you value things? The idea of ‘fungible’ implies replacing an equal part of an item by another equal part. On one hand, you may trade oil in barrels. It could …